Show Your Support
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. Help us to continue providing the tangible benefits of horse riding to our community. Research shows that interaction with horses improves mental health and physical wellbeing; it fosters a relationship with nature and provides meaning connections between the horse and rider that enhances respect and problem solving skills. It is also just FUN! Any and all contributions are very much appreciated as we cannot continue to serve our community without your support. Every dollar counts.
Where will your donations go?
Contribute towards purchasing paddock boots, new helmets, and tack that ensures the safety of our riders.
Cover weekly private lessons for the summer for one of our scholarship recievers. A donation of this amount can provide a meaningful riding experience to someone who could otherwise not afford it.
Sponsor a local student for a summer internship.A donation at this level will provide an unique opportunity for a horse enthusiast who otherwise may not be able to afford it.

A new and exciting way to support Pripet
Pripet Riding Program is pleased to accept sponsorships from owners of quality horses that have the ability and demeanor to join our community riding program. All sponsored horses must be approved by the Director of the Pripet Riding Program and the Pripet Board of Directors. Upon approval, Pripet would enter into an agreement with the horse owner and assume use of the horse for its riding program for one year at its locations in Islesboro, Maine and, with approval in our winter program in Florida. The Sponsor would keep the title of the horse but entrust all decisions regarding the horse’s use and care to the Director. The Sponsor would agree to make a annual restricted donation designated for the care of the horse from September to June for the duration of the agreement. The expenses for the horse’s care during the summer months will be included in Pripet summer program budget.
This donation would be tax deductible and renewable on an annual basis. Please contact us if you have any interest in this program.